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“JJH Consulting provided extraordinary leadership and guidance at Syracuse University for our ERP system implementations.  Without this executive management of our projects, we would not have been successful.”

Amir Rahnamay-Azar, CFO and Senior Vice President, Syracuse University


Third-Party Independent Quality Assurance

A key aspect of Arizona State University's (ASU) project strategy to reduce risk was to invest in a third-party independent Quality Assurance process. ASU decided to utilize JJH Consulting to provide the Project Quality Assurance (QA) Reviews. JJH Consulting provided quarterly QA Reviews throughout the duration of the project. JJH Consulting identified key risks and mitigation strategies for the project team to consider. The project was very successful, on time and on budget.


Operations Support Model Readiness 

JJH Consulting conducted a readiness assessment for ASU in relation to their operations support model prior to go live for their Workday Financial System.  JJH Consulting identified key areas of focus for the project team to consider prior to go-live.

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Project Leadership Support

Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) implemented Workday HCM. As the project progressed, they started to have issues and delayed their implementation. CMU leadership decided to utilize JJH Consulting to conduct an Assessment and Risk Analysis. The results of the assessment led CMU leadership to utilize JJH Consulting in a project leadership role through the duration of the project. The project successfully went live.

Go-live Readiness

JJH Consulting conducted a readiness assessment for CMU in relation to go-live for their Workday HCM System. JJH Consulting identified key areas of focus for the project team to consider prior to go-live.


Optimization Operations Analysis

Once the system was in production, CMU asked JJH Consulting to perform optimization operations analysis to identify any potential issues as CMU moved from stabilization to operations.

IT Cost Study Development

JJH Consulting reviewed and analyzed the CMU IT operations from a cost and efficiency standpoint. JJH Consulting developed an IT Cost Study Report that included a series of recommendations that identified significant cost savings from an IT perspective.

Strategic Advisory Services Support

Claremont McKenna College (CMC) is part of the Claremont Colleges Consortium that has implemented Workday HCM and Financials and is currently implementing Workday Student. Due to the significance of the project, CMC decided to engage JJH Consulting to provide strategic advisory services for the duration of the project. The strategic advisory services that JJH Consulting is providing includes project leadership support, quality assurance, change support, readiness analysis and operations optimization.

Strategic Advisory and Assurance Support
Clemson University provides Medicaid systems (MITS) support for the South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (SCDHHS). Clemson is working with SCDHHS to transition the systems and application support directly to the state. The MITS Transition Program is a very important initiative for Clemson and the state of South Carolina. Due to the importance, Clemson decided to utilize JJH Consulting in a strategic capacity to provide advisory and quality assurance services to support the transition program. JJH Consulting was able to help Clemson get organized and develop a consistent and effective approach.


Administrative Systems Platform Readiness Analysis

Clemson’s current administrative systems Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) platform is on-premise. Clemson decided to work with JJH Consulting to assess their current ERP platform, including HR, Payroll and Financial business processes. The analysis included a review of the current cloud systems and the development of a ten-year Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) analysis. The independent analysis concluded that the business case for Clemson to consider moving their current systems to more modern cloud systems was strong and financially viable.

ROI Analysis and Business Case Development

Cleveland Metropolitan School District (CMSD) decided to replace its HR, Payroll and Finance systems. Prior to making the decision to move forward and finalize their application selection, they utilized JJH Consulting to support their ROI Analysis and Business Case Development effort and Readiness Analysis. Per the analysis, CMSD decided to move forward with the selection process.


Project Leadership Support

CMSD utilized JJH Consulting from a Project Leadership Support perspective through their ERP selection process.  CMSD chose Workday as their ERP system and successfully implemented the application.

Oracle Finance and Human Capital Management Implementation

East Tennessee State University (ETSU) is implementing Oracle Finance and Human Capital Management to support their key administrative functions. JJH Consulting is playing a key role as the Project Advisor working with ETSU leadership, Oracle and the implementation partner. The advising scope includes all aspects of the project implementation lifecycle.


IT Plan Development and Support

Economic Community Development Institute (ECDI) leadership decided to develop, implement and operationalize a three-year IT plan. ECDI asked JJH Consulting to support the development of the plan. The plan was developed and approved by leadership. Once the IT plan was approved, ECDI asked JJH Consulting to support the implementation process.

CIO Support and Multi-Year IT Plan

The Everglades Foundation engaged JJH Consulting to provide outsourced CIO support and develop and execute a multi-year IT plan. The plan covers the key aspects of the Foundation’s business impacted by information technology.

ROI Analysis and Business Case Development
Huntington Library leadership concluded that their IT operations needed better alignment with the business; therefore, IT needed a strategy. Before jumping into the development and execution of an IT Strategic Plan, Huntington Library decided to utilize JJH Consulting to perform an ROI Analysis and Business Case Development to ensure the development and implementation of an IT Strategic Plan was worth the investment. 


IT Strategic Plan Development

Once the conclusion was reached that an IT plan made sense, Huntington Library leadership asked JJH Consulting to help develop an IT Strategic Plan to provide guidance for the IT organization.


Project Leadership Support and Readiness Assessment

Huntington Library utilized JJH Consulting to provide Project Leadership Support for the implementation of the plan. One of the aspects of the plan was the need for a new ERP system. Huntington utilized JJH Consulting to perform a Readiness Assessment to decide whether they were ready to move forward with a cloud application for their administrative systems. Huntington Library leadership decided to move forward and implemented Workday HCM and Financials for their administrative functions.

ERP Assessment 

JJH Consulting performed an ERP Assessment to understand and help Ivy Tech evaluate their current ERP systems, develop a future ERP vision and help them select the appropriate systems for their future needs. The goal of Ivy Tech is to significantly improve their administrative and operational systems. 

Workday Student Implementation 

Pomona College decided to implement Workday Student. During the implementation project, Pomona leadership engaged with JJH Consulting to help the project team to develop and execute a change management strategy and plan.

QA Reviews, Project Leadership Support, Business Process Analysis and Strategic Planning
Syracuse University (SU) has utilized JJH Consulting in several ways. One, the university decided to upgrade, streamline and implement new modules of PeopleSoft HCM as a bridge solution before they would consider going to the cloud for their ERP system. Executive Leadership decided to utilize JJH Consulting as a third party independent firm to perform Project Quality Assurance (QA) Reviews and provide Project Leadership Support to ensure the project was completed in a timely manner. The system went live July 2018. Two, SU leadership utilized JJH Consulting to perform IT Operations Guidance activities by analyzing the current financial and administrative systems and supporting Accenture as they developed strategies to enhance the SU IT data center operations. Three, JJH Consulting is currently performing business process analysis and developing strategic system plans for the financial, student, academic affairs and human resource areas. Four, SU Information Technology is utilizing JJH Consulting to analyze the IT spend across the university and within IT and develop a long-term strategic spend plan.

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Third-Party Independent Quality Assurance

The Claremont Colleges (TCC) is in the process of implementing Workday Student. A key risk mitigation strategy for TCC was to utilize a third-party firm to periodically conduct Quality Assurance reviews. TCC asked JJH Consulting to provide the QA Reviews on a bi-monthly basis. During each review, JJH Consulting identified key risks, mitigation strategies and key issues for the project team to consider and address, as appropriate.


Change Management Support

JJH Consulting is helping TCC by providing strategic advising support for the change management aspect of the project.

Operational Platform Replacement 

The Columbus Foundation decided to analyze and replace its operational platform, which includes finance, constituent management and grants management. The Foundation utilized JJH Consulting to support the analysis, design and implementation. JJH provides advising support as the Foundation progresses through the process.

Workday HCM, Financials and Student
OSU has been a PeopleSoft System customer for 20+ years.  Over the last multiple years, they upgraded the HRMS and Student applications on a regular basis. During the upgrades, OSU utilized JJH Consulting for their third-party Project Quality Assurance (QA) Reviews. All the upgrades were successful.  Once OSU upgraded HRMS and Student to their current version, they decided to look to cloud solutions for Financials and potentially HCM and Student. OSU utilized JJH Consulting to perform the assessment which included ROI Analysis and Business Case Development, Readiness Analysis and Workday Application Assessment. Once the university decided to move forward with Workday for HCM, Financials and Student, leadership utilized JJH Consulting for Project Leadership Support, Workday Optimization Planning Analysis and Stabilization and Support Structure Analysis to initiate the project.


Financial System Readiness Assessment
JJH Consulting teamed up with ISG to perform a Financial System Readiness Assessment for the University of Arizona. The scope of the effort includes the project team reviewing and assessing the readiness of the university and the individual academic and administrative units to replace their current financial system, Kuali Financials.

University of Maryland

Workday HCM, Financials and Student
Due to the significance of the project, UBC decided to engage a firm that could provide strategic advisory services for the duration of the project. JJH Consulting was selected to perform this function. The project is in the Architect Stage for HCM and Finance and in the Planning Stage for Student. The strategic advisory services that JJH Consulting is providing includes Project Leadership Support, Workday Optimization Planning Analysis, Readiness Support and Workday alignment.

Third-Party Independent Quality Assurance

The University of Maryland has decided to implement Workday HCM, Financials and Student for their administrative and student business processes. A key way to reduce risk for the university was to invest in a third-party independent quality assurance process. University leadership selected a team that includes JJH Consulting to provide the Project Quality Assurance (QA) Reviews. The team provides bi-monthly QA Reviews and during each review, identifies key risks and mitigation strategies for the project team to consider.

Business Case Development for Cloud ERP System 
The University of Pittsburgh (Pitt) is interested in transforming its key administrative functions, including finance, human capital management and student by procuring and implementing a cloud ERP system. Pitt engaged JJH Consulting to help the university with its procurement process and the development of a business case to provide the logic of why this initiative is so important to the university.

Workday Student
The University of Rochester (UR) has partnered with Workday to become the first R1 institution to implement Student functionality. UR will go live with the core aspects of Student in July 2019, including Records, Advising and Student Financials. UR decided to utilize an industry best practice and incorporate bi-monthly third party Project Quality Assurance (QA) Reviews into their approach. JJH Consulting was selected to perform this critical function for the university.  JJH Consulting has conducted several reviews and will continue through go-live and stabilization.  In addition to the QA Reviews, JJH Consulting is also helping to provide strategic advising support for the testing, change management and operations support model development aspects of the project.

Workday HCM
JJH Consulting performed a Readiness Analysis to understand if USC was ready to move forward with a program to significantly improve their administrative and operational systems, which included the implementation of Workday HCM. Once the program was initiated, JJH Consulting conducted an Assessment and Risk Analysis. Assessment results led to regular Project Quality Assurance (QA) Reviews. As the program progressed, the QA Review Reports identified significant challenges, and key issues and risks that needed to be mitigated.  USC’s mitigation strategy was to utilize JJH Consulting for Project leadership Support, Change Support, Workday Optimization Planning Analysis and Stabilization and Support Structure Analysis. The results were a successful implementation of Workday HCM, along with Financials and Research systems. Once the implementations occurred, USC utilized JJH Consulting to support their ROI Analysis, Business Case Development and Workday Optimization Operations Analysis.  In conjunction with these efforts, USC utilized JJH Consulting for several IT Operations Guidance projects, including helping to develop their IT Strategic Plan and analyzing the consolidation of IT services from two departments into one IT department.

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Workday Financials Project Readiness Assessment
JJH Consulting was asked to perform a Workday Financials Project Readiness Assessment for the University of Virginia. The scope of the effort includes the project team reviewing and assessing the readiness of the university as they start the journey of replacing their current financial system and transforming their financial business processes.


Workday Financials Transformation
The University of Washington (UW) has initiated the UW Financial Transformation (UWFT) Program.  The three year program will transform the financial functions of the university.  The university is utilizing Workday Financials as the system to support the transformation efforts.  Due to the significance of the program, UW decided to engage a firm that could provide strategic advisory services for the duration of the program. JJH Consulting was selected to perform this function. The program is in the planning stage. The strategic advisory services that JJH Consulting is providing includes Program Leadership Support, ROI Analysis and Business Case Development, Assessment and Risk Analysis, Workday Optimization Planning Analysis and Readiness Analysis.

Workday Financials and HCM
During 2018, Washington State University decided to implement Workday Financials and Human Capital Management to support their administrative functions.  A key aspect of WSU’s project strategy to reduce risk was to invest in a third party independent Quality Assurance process.  WSU decided to utilize JJH Consulting and ISG to provide the Project Quality Assurance (QA) Reviews.  The project was initiated in 2018 and is in the Planning Phase.  The QA Team will provide monthly provide QA Reviews throughout the duration of the project.

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